Our Ministries

Book Store & Resource Center

Our well-stocked Resource Center carries Bibles, reference and study materials, biographies, and a wide variety of books and pamphlets on a number of topics and issues. We also have messages on tape and CD, as well as, Christians videos and DVD’s.

Bus Ministry

For over 25 years, this ministry has provided free transportation to our church for thousands of people, especially young people. It is one of our most fruitful ministries in seeing souls saved and baptized.

Children’s Programs

We love kids! At Coast Hills, children will enjoy Sunday School Classes for three age groups – 4 & 5 year olds, 1st-3rd grades, and 4th-6th grades. Our dynamic Children’s Church program follows after Sunday School. On Wednesday evening, kids will not want to miss fun and exciting Kid’s Bible Club. In all the Children’s Programs, the young people will enjoy singing, contests and competitions, missionary stories, Bible lessons, Scripture memory, crafts, prizes, and much more!


Whether you are a new Christian or just want to grow in the Lord, discipleship is for you. We offer small groups where you can learn the Bible systematically, but also ask questions in an informal setting.


Choir & special music providing uplifting, Christ-honoring music to the hearers. Faithful members have the opportunity to participate in our Music Ministry including choir, singing solos or in ensembles, and instrumental involvement.

Nursery & Child Care

Our caring nursery workers provide childcare for all children newborn through age three. You can enjoy the services while your children are being cared for in a clean and quality environment.

Soul Winning & Missions

Reaching people with the gospel in our local area and around the world is the heartbeat of our church and ministries. For this reason, we have Organized Soul Winning efforts on Tuesday evenings and Saturday mornings. We also have a World Missions Conference to raise financial support to expand our outreach. We currently support over 40 ministries in almost 30 countries.

Spanish Ministry

Reaching & providing services for those who speak Spanish


Youth Ministry

Teenagers are awesome! Our dynamic youth department has developed into a one-of-kind ministry. We are excited about Truth 4 Teens Class on Sunday Morning and Bible Study on Wednesday evening. We have activities every month and there are several big events throughout the year — youth rallies, youth conference, teen camp, and more!